So, since bloggers are taking over the world of journalism, undoing TV anchors, making and breaking political candidates, etc. etc, why, you ask, am I such a sporadic blogger. Well, the answer is pretty simple. I'm a busy guy, and I write anywhere from 750-5500 words a day for publication as it is. And writing is my hobby for Chrissakes.
Nonetheless, there are a few interesting things happening in my life if any of you, my dear and loyal readers indeed care. First, my mom is in the hospital. She's doing better, but she got a nasty little kidney infection which laid her up for a few days. She's expected to be out by Tuesday. Tuesday, by the way is the forty-first anniversiary of my debut on the planet. Cards, well wishes, presents and such are always welcome.
We just finished recording the Durufle Requiem and the Widor Double Organ Mass at Incarnation. CDs are due out in the fall. The sessions were pretty damned good if I do say so myself, so it should be a good disc.
Helios has two concerts this weekend, and then in early March, Madame Z comes back to town to teach lessons and such. It's always a pleasure to have her around and I am eternally grateful to Bob and Patsy Brooks for all of their help in making my little creative event life happen. I couldn't do it without them.
The Anglican Primates meet to talk about gay people again. I am sure that the right asshole James Stanton of Dallas will have another homophobic field day with this one.
Well, that's about all the news for the moment. My computer is locking up on me and it's time to reboot. What a piece of crap. Time for a new machine.
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