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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

A Stockholm Diary

Day two in Stockholm and I am finally over my jet lag. Leif and I got pretty plastered last night and I paid for it today when I went to take a lesson with his dad. I sounded like buttered dog shit. I woudn't have tied one on had I remembered that we were lessoning...oops.

As always, I love this city. It's such a beautiful place and it's filled with so many interesting and stunning people. We went shopping today, and as always, I bought a bunch of clothes. Leif took me to a shop that was very inexpenive. It was fun. We spent the rest of the day at Leif's dad's house, a beautiful place overlooking the water.

He made pancakes, Swedish style for us and they were to die for.

Not much else going on this evening. We are both pretty sleepy and are going to hang out and watch tv and get a good night's sleep.

That''s it from the foreign desk!


Hildigunnur said...

hey, why didn't you fly Icelandair? Could have stopped over here for a few days! They fly straight to Stockholm as well!

Kevin Sutton said...

You know, next time I might just do that....what are the chances of a concert appearance there? I will come for cheap, just for the chance to sing in another country. I would love to visit Iceland sometime!

Hildigunnur said...

let's see what we can do :-)